Thursday, January 16, 2025

Socialism Most Cruel By Creedence Dengre

In the world today, there are certain statements, certain viewpoints, which have become popularly accepted to be “true”. But most of the time, what is “true” is only because of societal beliefs and pressures, reinforced by the mainstream media. And in the world today, those with alternative or heterodox views are often pilloried or “no-platformed” into silence.

At International Business Review, we believe that this should not be the case. We believe that in order for business and economies to run successfully, it requires for different viewpoints and even uncomfortable things to be heard and said. And that is why we are introducing Global Perspectives, a section where our readers write in to share their views on things affecting the world.

In this issue, Global Perspectives showcases Creedence Dengre, CEO of Shackfolio, who writes on how deeply misunderstood capitalism has become as socialism has infiltrated the financial and monetary systems.

“MMT” school of socialism is an art, which serves only the painter. This is what is “Crony”.
The reason for today’s wealth divide is that socialism has infiltrated the top levels of our monetary and financial systems, causing a breakdown of the pillars of capitalism which protect working people from what ultimately amounts to theft. They tell us it is capitalism still, but that’s a trick. They wish to fool us into giving them more. It is socialism that takes away wealth, freedom, opportunity and equality from those at the bottom leaving a very few rich elites at the top and the masses impoverished. But hey, they wrote “cow” on the horse, so it must be a cow, right?
Fiat currency backed by nothing of value, inflation, interest, taxation, the rising cost
of living. Things which affect the poor the most. These are all artefacts of socialism. Through this deception, the elites have fooled the people into begging to be poorer,
whilst enriching themselves, and silencing the masses.
The people who suffer most from socialism embrace it the most because they are fed lies from those at the top, who are the sole beneficiaries of socialism. Because they give up personal responsibility, they too neglect the responsibility of educating and empowering themselves. It’s not their fault, it’s what they are taught. But it is certainly most cruel.

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