Sunday, September 15, 2024

Steven Ge – Managing Director, ZTE (Malaysia)

Enhancing Connectivity in the Nation

The COVID-19 pandemic has increased the importance of connectivity, as many businesses have moved online. As a leading network technology company, ranked 3rd in 5G Standard Essential Patents, ZTE has been playing a role in helping Malaysian telcos ramp up their services. ZTE (Malaysia) Managing Director, Steven Ge, tells more to Voice of ASEAN.

“We strive to provide a conducive working environment and strike a work-life balance. As we have transitioned from 8/9 hours in the office to fully working from home, we are looking at flexible policies. Similarly, the way we engage with our customers and their needs has also changed. We have grown and evolved into the new normal, and we will carry to do so in the future.

In terms of business, our traffic grew by an average of 15-20% during the Movement Control Order (MCO) last year. There was a sudden surge of traffic in specific areas, such as in Sungai Buloh, where we managed to set up in a week. At the same time we also paid close attention to students in rural areas, particularly in Sabah and Sarawak.

Long-Term Partnerships

As a customer oriented and technology driven company, we are quick to respond to our customers’ requirements and enquiries. ZTE believes in long-term partnerships. Having worked with TM and DiGI for more than a decade, as well as with UMobile for almost 10 years, we hope that these partnerships will continue to be strong.

We are a technology leader, and invest 15 percent of our revenue in R&D, which is the second most among listed companies in China for R&D investments. In Q3 2020, ZTE’s 5G market share reached 32.6 percent, which was 2nd in the world according to Dell’Oro Group.

ZTE also values compliance and transparency. As such, we have been listed in the FTSE4Good Index for the 3rd consecutive year, and are rated the most transparent China company.

Bridging the Digital Divide

Looking towards 2021 and beyond, our ambition is to be a Tier 1 provider and a main player in Malaysia’s digital hub. We also hope to support the government’s JENDELA initiative by working closely with our partners and operators. We also aim to be the key contributor to IoT transmission in the industry.

We are always looking to have the right people with the right skills for the right job in this dynamic industry. We also believe in providing both theoretical and on-the-job training. This is done both in our training centre at ZTE headquarters as well as with institutions of higher learning.

In line with our philosophy of thinking globally and acting locally, we enhance our co-operation with qualified local partners by providing knowledge transfer. In a fast-paced industry, this is a sustainable synergistic strategy to win new projects, especially during times like these.”

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