Monday, February 10, 2025

Chua Sock Koong, CEO, Singapore Telecommunications

Beyond Borders

It is not easy running a business, and it is more difficult when the business is in one of the most open markets in the world with a small population. For SingTel CEO, Chua Sock Koong, the solution was to go beyond borders. She spearheaded the operator’s overseas expansion in growing markets such as Indonesia, India, the Philippines, Thailand, Bangladesh and Australia, resulting in an expansion of the customer base to more than 400 million – 100 times Singapore’s population – while revenue has risen from US$10 billion in 2007 to US$15 billion in 2013. Chua is also leading the company to go beyond traditional services and embrace new revenue streams, such as internet television and ultra-high-speed broadband, to stave off the challenge of VOIP to traditional fixed and mobile voice lines. Through this innovative approach, SingTel – led by Chua Sock Koong – is redefining the role of telco operators, making them more relevant and ready to meet the challenges of the ICT Age.

Note: Chua Sock Koong served as CEO from 2007 until her retirement on 1 January 2021.

[This article was originally published in Passions Vol 56]
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