Monday, February 10, 2025

Revitalising Male Appearance

 The Latest Anti-Ageing Treatment Methods for Men

The Founder and CEO of Anna Hoo Clinic, Dr Anna Hoo and her team help men revitalise their youthfulness which in turn boosts their confidence.

Ageing is an inherent process that impacts individuals mentally and physically, each at their own pace. This natural progression of gaining wisdom inevitably affects both men and women. Despite prevailing misconceptions surrounding gender roles, men have an equal right to take proactive steps in revitalising their appearance. Scientists and beauty professionals have made significant strides in advancing male-specific anti-aging treatments. In line with this, the International Business Review has sought insights from the holistic wellness experts at Anna Hoo Clinic to explore the latest advancements in this field.

Unlocking The Better Man in You

As men age, they may experience changes in their skin that affect their self-esteem and overall appearance. Dealing with fine lines, wrinkles, sagging, and discoloration can be frustrating and challenging. Fortunately, advancements in anti-ageing treatments now offer men the opportunity to rejuvenate their skin and achieve a more youthful, refreshed look. Male-specific anti-ageing treatments have gained popularity in corporate settings as men strive to maintain a competitive edge in their careers. If you are looking to enhance your confidence and revitalise your face and skin, exploring the benefits of male anti-ageing treatments could be the right path for you.

Recently, non-surgical facial rejuvenation has become increasingly popular among men. The widespread use and influence of social media and the availability of a wide range of treatment options have made hyaluronic acid filler treatments more accessible than ever. Men over 40, who may be at the peak of their careers but feel like they are losing ground, are turning to these treatments to appear fresher and more confident. It is not necessarily about appearing younger, but about projecting energy and readiness to tackle challenges head-on. By defying the signs of ageing, men can feel empowered and prepared to face whatever comes their way.

 The Male Perspective

Nowadays, treatment planning involves approaching male patients with a comprehensive understanding of the differences in ideal proportions and ratios, bony structures, beauty ideals, and facial anatomy. The focus is less on looking younger and more on presenting a fresh, energetic, and confident appearance that radiates preparedness to confront any challenges head-on. Unlike women who seek treatments to achieve a younger and more beautiful appearance, men typically desire a rested, relaxed, and comfortable look while preserving their rugged, masculine features.

In 2014, Dr Stephen Marquardt developed a male version of his Phi Mask, which is based on the Golden Ratio and highlights the subtle yet significant differences between male and female faces. These differences include prominent supra-orbital ridges, flatter and narrower eyebrows, slightly narrower eyes, heavier eyelids, longer and broader noses, thinner lips (especially the upper lip), and squarer and stronger jaws. It is crucial to consider and respect these male facial proportions during hyaluronic acid filler treatments.

Understanding The Differences

When using hyaluronic acid fillers to enhance a man’s facial appearance, it is essential to take into account the distinctions between male and female facial features. The face can be divided into three parts: the upper, middle, and lower regions.

In the upper region, men typically have deeper wrinkles and more pronounced facial lines due to a loss of fatty tissue, thicker skin, and stronger muscles. Neuromodulators like botulinum toxin can be used to soften these lines, and hyaluronic acid fillers can help restore volume and modulate muscle movement in the forehead. However, it’s important to maintain a low and straight eyebrow in a man’s upper face.

When addressing the midface, it is crucial to acknowledge that male and female cheeks have different contours and aesthetics. The point of maximum cheek projection in a man’s face is lower and closer to the nose, compared to a woman’s face. Fillers should be used to add volume to the cheek at this point to enhance masculine features and avoid feminisation.

In terms of improving the lower face in men, chin and mandibular angle restoration are vital for creating a well-defined border and improving projection. Volume loss, tissue migration, and bony resorption can all contribute to an underdeveloped or poorly-projected mandible and chin.

Modern Solutions for Modern Aesthetics

The use of hyaluronic acid fillers for non-surgical rejuvenation in men is a growing trend in the medical aesthetic industry. Men can benefit from these treatments to address various concerns, such as small chins, wrinkles, lost jawlines, and tired appearances. The ultimate objective of these treatments is not solely to enhance appearance but to empower men to function optimally in their social lives. In other words, it’s about achieving a more fulfilling life.

Male aesthetic anti-ageing treatments can help men of all ages feel more confident, refreshed, and empowered. These treatments are specifically designed to address the unique concerns associated with men’s facial features, such as the prominence of the supra-orbital ridge, flatter and narrower eyebrows, and heavier eyelids.

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